A Dishwasher For the Queen – Yours Truly

When the makeover for the kitchen began, I thought BOOM!  gonna be done in no time – lickety split!!!  We are 3 1/2 months in the renovation…and still looking down a long tunnel. Trying to keep a good spirit and positive attitude I have thought about what little goodies, decorations, appliances, extras to put back…

A Steady Rain, Clean Home and My Prince Charming

After hours of racking my brain for something to post – nothing….no I want this, would like that or need anything and everything pinned on Pinterest.  No how to’s, recipe, gardening or adventure stories. It has rained all day, the kind of rain that makes everything gleam with a brilliant green.  You know the slow…

A Girl With An Open Mind…

Robin and I have talked about putting some of the removed cabinets from our kitchen makeover to other use such as – an outdoor kitchen or a much needed laundry room makeover.  I’m loving the laundry room makeover for several reasons.  1) I’ve never had a laundry room – much less one organized or decorated.…

Together We Make A Family

You know that good feeling you have – after watching a great movie   satisfaction and stuffed belly after eating a perfectly cooked meal the love when receiving a warm and meaningful hug…. The visit with my family was the best ever. We ate – there was so much food!, laughed, had an Easter egg hunt, flew kites,…

An Easter Weekend With My Family

I am so excited about going to my mom’s for Easter.  All the family will be there celebrating a Risen Savor     and of course an Easter bunny.   Mom has been working so hard getting everything perfect and in place for the her jubilee. The food is going to be decadent with an array of…