Born in the South but ….

I was born and raised in the South but fell deeply in love with parts of the Northeastern side this beautiful country – at a very young age. (I also would love to travel to Ireland, England, Italy, France – but that’s for another time)….

When the girls marched in the high school marching band, they marched in several competitions.  The band (of course I was the most loved chaperon) was invited to compete at the Annapolis Naval Academy!! While in Maryland, we had the opportunity to visit other areas of Maryland and Baltimore! (One of the fabulous perks about this trip was we had a local who helped guide us around, they knew exactly where to take us -the best little secrets- not the “tourist” side).  I was in heaven, a dream come true!  I should have listened to my heart and just run away, hid….stayed there forever.  BUT if I had, I would have never met my soul mate.

I realize we have beautiful country here in the South, but I really think my heart belongs up North.  I would never try to convince my sweet wonderful husband to move somewhere I knew he would not or could not survive a frigid/harsh climate. When the temps hit 70 degrees F and below – he’s wearing a jacket and long sleeves until summer.

Any time a movie comes out that was filmed in or around these states; I become completely absorbed with the scenery.  I recently watched Manchester By The Sea – I know it has been out for a while (it is on Amazon) and this is a beautiful, heartfelt movie but, let me tell you I was blown away, mesmerized by the beautiful homes, landmarks and scenery.

I do hope to one day get to follow a dream I have and at least spend a long, long, long vacation of touring and sightseeing these magnificent states.

Image result for new england

Yes, Linda – I’m extremely jealous – ENVIOUS of you!!

I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day 🙂






10 thoughts on “Born in the South but ….

  1. Soooo….why aren’t you all here, yet??? That map is so silly! It looks like we have nothing but fall foliage unless we live on the coast. Pfffft! Inland Maine has lots of stuff. But you’ll never know till you take that road/air trip! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️


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